2012-04-22 - Rock Creek Trail


~6 miles @ ~11 min/mi

At Ken-Gar I arrive about 8am. Ken Swab is there a few minutes earlier, Rebecca Rosenberg and Barry Smith a bit later. We trot from milepost 7 to 10 and back (cf. GPS trackfile) with splits 11:17 ⇒ 11:01 ⇒ 11:20 ⇒ 10:55 ⇒ 10:49 ⇒ 10:29. I sprint ahead at the end to get my average pace down a hair below 11 min/mi; the watch reads 1:05:59 when I stop it. Rebecca and Emaad have the Big Sur Marathon next Sunday.

^z - 2012-05-07